Managerial Skills

The term managerial skills means the personal ability put to use by a manager for the accomplishment of organisational goals. The job of a modern manager has become very complex. He requires different type of skills to manage a large organisation in the fast changing environment. R.L.Katz has given three types of managerial skills as follow...

  • Technical skills                           
  •  Human Skills                                            
  •  Conceptual Skills


Technical skill is very important in managing the first line supervisorin a manufacturing firm needs greater knowledge          about the technical aspects of the job compared to the top boss. In    a small manufacturing organisation, even the top boss who owns    the company needs tohave a lot of technical skills.However, in big organisation, technical skills are more important at lower level.

Managers need technical skills to guide and train subordinates. They cannot handle their subordinates if they do not know how the jobs are done.There are two things a manager should understand about technical skills. In the first place, he must know what skills should be employed in his unit.Secondly, the manager must understand the role of each skill employed and also the iner-relationship between different skills.


Human skill is the manager's ability to work effectively as a group member and to build cooperative effort whit in the team he leads. Every managerial level requires managers to interact with the subordinated working with processes and physical resources . Human relations skills are required to win cooperative of others and build effective work team.

Manager deals directly with the subordinates, this skill is very crucial and manager with good human skills are able to get the best out of their people. they know how to motivate , communicate , lead , trust and inspire.A manager with good human skills can resolve intra and inter groups conflict.


Skills management is the practice of understanding, developing and deploying people and their skills. Well-implemented skills management should identify the skills that job roles require, the skills of individual employees, and any gap between the two.

Conceptual skils means the ability to see the organisation as a whole and it includes reconising how the various functions of the organisaton depend on one another. It also makes the individual aware how chnges in one part oforganisation effect the others.It extends to visualising the relationship of the individual business to the industry, the community and the political , social and econimic forces of the nation as a whole.Thus,the manager gain insight into improving the overall effectiveness of the organisation.

